Support PLUS and the children and young people we support across the Forth Valley .
Your donation will help PLUS continue to provide vital support and services, through our many programmes.

A donation of £10 funds resources and snacks for 1 PlayPLUS or PLUSYouth session
All spend on snacks, resources and equipment for sessions need to be externally funded

A donation of £20 per month pays for the materials and snacks for 1 week of After School Club Activities.
After School Club provides a snack for children each day

A donation of £50 funds a home visit where we can meet a child and their family, assess and agree how PLUS can support them going forward.
Please help fund this first vital step in families getting support from PLUS

£5 a month / £60 a year for PLUS would cover the cost of a member of our sessional staff team attending vital training such as First Aid, Health & Safety, Child Protection, Makaton
Our annual spend on training sessional staff is over £35,000!

£10 a month / £120 a year covers the cost of 1 days sessional staff to support a child or young person.
We spend over £500,000 a year on sessional staff costs supporting children, young people and adults.

£25 a month / £300 a year for PLUS. This would cover the costs of Beachwood Venue Hire for 3 days
We spend £3,200 a year renting Beachwood Scout Hall for additional capacity to deliver sessions
- One Off Donations
A donation of £10 funds resources and snacks for 1 PlayPLUS or PLUSYouth session
All spend on snacks, resources and equipment for sessions need to be externally funded
A donation of £20 per month pays for the materials and snacks for 1 week of After School Club Activities.
After School Club provides a snack for children each day
A donation of £50 funds a home visit where we can meet a child and their family, assess and agree how PLUS can support them going forward.
Please help fund this first vital step in families getting support from PLUS
- Monthly Donations
£5 a month / £60 a year for PLUS would cover the cost of a member of our sessional staff team attending vital training such as First Aid, Health & Safety, Child Protection, Makaton
Our annual spend on training sessional staff is over £35,000!
£10 a month / £120 a year covers the cost of 1 days sessional staff to support a child or young person.
We spend over £500,000 a year on sessional staff costs supporting children, young people and adults.
£25 a month / £300 a year for PLUS. This would cover the costs of Beachwood Venue Hire for 3 days
We spend £3,200 a year renting Beachwood Scout Hall for additional capacity to deliver sessions
One off Donations
Please donate through our GoodHub page by clicking here
Regular Donations
As little as £5 per month is a huge help. But of course donations for more each month are also gladly received!
For example £5 a month is £60 a year. This would cover the cost of a member of our sessional staff team attending vital training such as First Aid, Moving and Handling, Makaton or a number of other training programmes our staff receive.
Standing Orders: Setting up a Standing Order is a simple, quick, secure way for you to support us monthly.
Simply download our Standing-Order-Mandate complete the form and then send to your bank.
Alternatively you can set up a Standing Order through your online banking and our Bank Account Details are in the above form.
Gift Aid
If you are eligible for Gift Aid, please complete the Gift Aid section on the Standing Order Mandate, and send that to Fiona Hunter at the PLUS Office (Broadleys Road, Stirling, FK7 7ST).
By Cheque: Please make cheques payable to ‘PLUS (Forth Valley) Ltd’ and send to:
PLUS (Forth Valley) Ltd, Broadleys Road, Springkerse Industrial Estate. Stirling, FK7 7ST
PLUS Collection Tins
A few local businesses have money collection tins for PLUS which we empty on a regular basis. You can find these in Jintz in Bannockburn; Gabes Diner in Stirling; The Canal Inn in Falkirk; The Hub Cafe & Takeaway in Grangemouth; and The Railway Inn, Falkirk.
Any restaurants, cafes, shops or bars that would be happy to have a Money Collection Tin for PLUS, please contact the PLUS team and we will gladly drop one off.
Did you know when you are selling on Paypal or Ebay you can choose a % of the sale price to go to PLUS. You can also choose to donate to PLUS when buying on these sites too.
You can set this up through this link:
Amazon Wish List
If anyone wishes to purchase something on our wish list to help us out, that would be amazing! We have toys and resources for children and young people to use during sessions, and also stationery and office essentials for the team to use. Anything is a help.
Just click here, add something to your basket, pay and it will be delivered straight to PLUS.
Thank you!