Meet the Board

Bill Miller – Chair

Bill is Chair of PLUS. He took early retirement from his post as Service Manager in Education Services in 2017, primarily to care for his elderly parents. He has been involved in youth work in many capacities for over 46 years, working in the voluntary sector, local authorities and the NHS.

Bill has a broad range of experiences that enable him to make an effective contribution to the organisation. Bill is also Chair of Youth Scotland and Vice Chair of Calendar Youth Project Trust. Bill has been a Trustee with PLUS since 2016, Chair since 2018, and leads our steering group for hub / asset transfer.

Scott Urquhart – Treasurer

Scott is a CIPFA qualified accountant with over 20 years’ experience of financial leadership and management in public sector organisations. Scott has had a close involvement with PLUS for many years both as a previous Board member and as a parent of a service user.

He joined the PLUS Board as Treasurer and leads the Finance subgroup. Scott has been a Trustee with PLUS since 2022, and previously between 2011 and 2015.

In his role as Director of Finance with NHS Forth Valley his key responsibilities are to support financial sustainability of the NHS Board and to oversee financial planning and reporting.

Maureen Howie – Vice Chair

Maureen spent all of her professional life as a teacher, and was Headteacher at Castleview Primary School in Stirling when she retired. She always loved working with children and had the privilege of working with children with additional support needs for many years.
Maureen has been involved with PLUS since it started as PlayPLUS more than 30 years ago. Aware of the very many opportunities PLUS gives to children and their families, her hope is that be being a Board member she can contribute in some way.
Maureen joined the board of PLUS in 2018. Maureen is safeguarding lead for the organisation and chairs our Safeguarding subgroup

Val Bjerland

Val has several years experience as an ASN teacher and is currently studying Inclusive Education. Val first encountered PLUS as mum to twins with cerebral palsy through Opportunity PLUS when her daughters were 3.

Val has enjoyed finding a supportive network of local families through her involvement in Play and Chat and her daughters have enjoyed the variety of activities on offer at PlayPLUS and PLUSYouth.

Val joined the Board in 2021 and is delighted to have to the opportunity to represent parents and families on the PLUS board. Val also sits on our safeguarding subgroup.

Harvey Carruthers

Harvey is CEO of Fife Young Carers, based in Glenrothes. Prior to this he was CEO at veterans’ charity The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, based at Stirling Castle.

He has been a director of many third sector organisations including the board of Stirling Community Enterprise, which provides employability opportunities for young people. Harvey joined the Board in 2023.

Nicholas MaCauley

Nick leads the Scottish Public Sector compute team for HP, and has worked in the IT sector for over 20 years. Nick was first introduced to PLUS after the arrival of his daughter Megan in 2010. Following Megan’s birth, his wife Gillian helped establish ‘Play & Chat’ with some of the other mums whom Gillian met after Megan’s birth. Nick has another daughter, Erin, who also attends PLUS on certain occasions as a sibling with Megan. Nick joined the board of PLUS in 2020

Una McFadyen

Una joined PLUS after retiring from work as a consultant pediatrician in NHS Forth Valley. She specialised in care of newborn babies and children with respiratory disorders as well as general paediatrics. Since first specialising Una has believed that co-working with families is an essential part of pediatrics. She has been involved in Action for Sick Children, Contact a Family, SOFT UK and TOFS for many years.

She has recently completed a 3 year term as clinical lead for the national network for Children with Exceptional Healthcare Needs (NSS CEN). Una has become involved in trying to improve health care transition for young people with long term conditions and disabilities.

She hopes to learn from the young people, their parents and carers how services could be improved for them and others. Una joined the board of PLUS in 2019. Una engages in a number of networks and PLUS benefits from Una’s connections and knowledge of local and national agendas within both our Safeguarding subgroup and Quality Improvement subgroup

Fayzan Rehman

Fayzan is an IT Project Manager with over 25 years’ experience in the IT industry. Fayzan, his wife and their four children live in Stirling. Having a daughter with learning difficulties, he appreciates some of the struggles that other families may face and who turn to PLUS for support. Fayzan joined PLUS, to give back to his family’s local community. Fayzan joined the board in 2019.