Could you help PLUS by joining our Board of Directors?

Members influence the development of PLUS, as they elect the Board of Directors. Members are eligible to stand for election.

Board Directors all give their time as volunteers. They meet 5-6 times a year including the AGM. Our AGM is help in September each year.

In addition, there are subcommittees that each Board Member join based on the needs of PLUS. For example we have a Strategy Subcommittee, a Finance Subcommittee and an IT Subcommittee. Some staff are involved in these too.

The Board often requires specialist advice in areas such as finance and HR and would be delighted to have new Board Directors with these professional skills.

The board are currently looking for new members with some specific skills and experience in business, media and marketing. This list is not exhaustive.

If you would like to know more about how you can use your skills to benefit PLUS, please contact Susan Fullerton, CEO, for further information.


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