Our History 

PLUS Forth Valley

Starting in 1988 as one project PLUS has grown over the years, introducing new projects which focus on specific age ranges, support needs and individual outcomes. Our services are accessed by children, teenagers and younger adults (up to age 35) and their families from across the Forth Valley (Stirling, Clackmannanshire and Falkirk).

Services are primarily separated by age, into our under 5’s service children and young people from ages 5 -17 and our adults services which supports young adults aged 18+. 

For more information about specific projects, please see below. To find out more information about a specific service, or to make a general enquiry, please phone 01786 450086 or email mail@plusforthvalley.org.uk.




Having access to a wide variety of opportunities and being able to influence the events taking place ensures that the young people can access a personalised service which will meet their emotional, physical, medical, health and personal care needs.

The short breaks offered by PLUS offers parents and carers regular short breaks, which strengthens their family unit, whilst providing a fun and exciting activity for their child to attend. We think this is a win win situation! These short breaks both increase the capacity and resilience of families to continue in their caring roles.

Our vision

People with disabilities and their families can belong, have fun, grow and be valued

Our Mission 

Improve Lives 

Our Values 





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