Supports young adults with disabilities aged 18-35.

“A” is a Bank Project member and has attended PLUS events since he was 6 years old. I have asked him on a number of occasions what has been the best part about attending PLUS (taking in to consideration all the age group that he has been involved in). He said that he loves everything that he has done with PLUS. He couldn’t pick the best experience as he said that all the projects have offered him different experiences and opportunities at different stages of his life. Now, in The Bank Project “A” is involved in the committee in which he is involved in sharing new ideas, involved in sessional staff recruitment and the development of the Project. He also continues to attend regular group events and has recently chosen PLUS to support him on 1:1 sessions though out the week.
“B” and “C” are sisters and have also attend PLUS from an early age. Now that they are adults they are moving out of their family home in to supported accommodation. The Bank Project is one of the few places where they can meet up together out with their homes.
“D” is a member of the 26+ and has experienced all the projects from PlayPLUS, PLUS Youth, The Bank Project to 26+. “D” has a learning difficulty which has an impact.
His parents are very appreciative of the service PLUS provides. “The service “D” receives is excellent. “D” is treated with care and consideration at all times”.
“D” stated that “without 26+ I have little contact with people my own age”

Who do I Contact?
If you are interested in attending Adults@PLUS or would like to find out more, please contact